Variable bias versus fixed bias guitar amp
Variable bias versus fixed bias guitar amp

If we set the bias so the tubes are at their upper limit, the sound quality might be lovely, but the tubes won’t last very long. If the bias is set too low the sound will be distorted, but the tubes will last a long time. We could set it at the engine red line, say 6,000 RPM, so we’ll always have lots of power instantly available but this will burn a lot of gas and the engine won’t last very long. Why not set it at 100 RPM and save gas? Because the engine will stall. A typical car engine idles between about 600 and 800 RPM. Not all that clear, huh? The example I gave in an earlier article (link above) is that of setting the idle speed of a car engine. Try not to zone out I’ll endeavour to make it as clear as I can.īias in an amplifier is an electrical parameter that sets the optimum operating conditions for the components, in this case the output tubes. We’ll also have a look at a circuit diagram. I’ll provide an example so you can try it out for yourself. My preferred way of learning is to get an answer that I can work backwards and forwards a few times to verify I’ve understood the formula correctly. If you’re like me, you hate it when someone says it’s simple, gives a formula, and then leaves you to figure it out. There will be a little optional math involved, if you wish, but don’t worry, it’s simple math. I also touched on bias in my power tube shootout. (scroll down to ‘ Bias? I’m Not Biased’ for my brief description ) Mike’s questions led me to believe that there is a need to expand on the brief description that I gave in my Elekit TU-8340VK review. The inspiration for this article came from WoS follower Mike, who had a few questions regarding bias settings on his Onix SP-3 integrated amp. More experienced tube-o-philes will no doubt notice that I’ve glossed over some details and made some generalizations, but I think they’ll agree that I’ve adhered to the essentials. I’ll also supply links for those who wish to do more reading. This will be a basic introduction for beginners. Big tube amps like the one pictured above can be a bit intimidating, even to yours truly.įirst a disclaimer: I’m not an electrical engineer, but I do have several decades experience poking around in tube amps.

Variable bias versus fixed bias guitar amp